Friday, December 14, 2012

I made it!

Hey everyone!

So as I write this, I'm running on about 2 hours of sleep for nearly the past 48 hours.  This was finals week and the brilliant person that I am decided that pulling an all-nighter would be a good idea.  Word to the wise: DON'T.  Physically, I felt pretty good today, that is until I was giving a final presentation in class and began to feel like I was going to faint.  Moral of the story: Don't procrastinate and get work done.

I'm incredibly happy that classes and exams are over and I get to go home today!  I know Thanksgiving break was just 3 weeks ago, but nothing feels better than laying in your own bed in your own room and not having to worry about classes or homework.  I've got a lot of stuff going on this Christmas break!  I have decided that this year, I will make all of my Christmas presents!  Also, my oldest sister is getting married at the end of December!  I cannot wait to see her in her beautiful gown and just spend a wonderful joyous day with my family.

While I am extremely happy to go home, I would be lying if I said that I wouldn't miss being back here sometimes.  My sisters are both older so they have moved out and live on their own, so at home it's just my parents and I.  It can be a lot of fun to sort of be the "only child" sometimes, but I do find myself missing my friends.  Here at school, I'm rarely alone and maybe it's just my personality that I love to be around people, but it is really nice.  I love being able to talk to my roommate whenever I want or go to my friend's room down the hall.

So before I go to bed and finally get some sleep, I want to share some awesome pictures of this past semester!  I may complain sometimes but I am so incredibly blessed to live this life!  I hope you enjoy these pictures of my awesome friends and I, and I hope that everyone has a wonderful Holiday season!

My friends and I spent a Sunday afternoon making each other dinner

Fellow Trailblazers and I received $775 to use for some sort of personal academic advancement

(Trailblazers is an organization for 1st-generation college students)
Christmas Dinner family photo with President Dr.Conneely and his wife and daughter  (Note that I squeezed myself between Dr.Conneely and his wife)

My friends and I ended Christmas dinner by taking tons of pictures of us jumping off the bench in front of Doyle

Merry Christmas!!!!

-Rachel :)